Hello, this is Mikel with TinyFrog Technologies. I want to talk a little bit today about websites for the finance industry and wealth advisors and financial advisors. We tend to do a lot of websites within that niche.
I want to talk about some of the things to consider if you happen to be a financial advisor or wealth advisor and you’re considering either building a website or redesigning a website. In that industry, a lot of the potential clients, when they come to a website, are looking for something that’s easy to navigate, easy to find what they’re looking for and that’s a high-quality design that reflects the quality of the organization.
Avoid a Finance Template Site
One of the things that we typically recommend is to avoid like a template based website. There are some companies out there that specialize in template based websites for that industry and many of those websites look kind of template-y and the quality isn’t very high so we typically recommend going more with a custom design where they can build and brand a website that matches the vision of the organization.
Make the Content Relevant to Visitors
A couple of other things that are important about a website in that industry: one of which is that the website is relevant to the visitors because one wealth advisor or financial advisor could be specializing or focusing on a completely different demographic than another. So it’s really important for the person or the company that’s designing the website to know the types of visitors that are coming to the website, what their needs are, what they’re looking for, what they’re hoping to accomplish on the website. And the plan and the strategy of the website should have that baked in the very early stages.
Establish Credibility with a High-Quality Design
Making the website relevant, a high-quality design and also from a marketing perspective, a lot of the wealth advisors and financial advisors are not driving traffic to their website through the search engines and things like that. Most of their clients go to the website from referrals or having been referred or maybe some of the networking efforts they’re doing.
So when someone comes to the website, they may have heard of the company but the website is a really important tool in terms of building credibility and trust in the company. So even though someone’s not going to the website through the search engines, it’s important to know that a high-quality website is still very important even if you’re a referral based business.
If you have any questions on financial website design or how to build a website for wealth advisor or financial advisor, definitely let us know. Thank you.