Hi this is Chelsea from Tiny Frog Technologies, I’m a Development Coordinator here, and I’m here to talk to you a little bit today about why WordPress features for web accessibility is great for your site. Accessibility is really important thing to consider when you’re developing or even adjusting your site in any way. WordPress is really great for accessibility because there are features that are built into it that allow your users to navigate the site really easily and allow you to make those adjustments without too much headache.
Uploading Images To Your Site
One of the first things I want to discuss is uploading images to your site. When you upload an image to your site it’s really important for your users that you add an ALT tag. An ALT tag is just descriptive text that you can add to the image that allows your users to know what that image is. So if a user comes to your site and they’re navigating with a screen reader or assistive technology it’s allowing them to understand what the visual components of your site are. That is really easily added in the back end of WordPress. Any time you upload an image there is an area for you to be able to descriptively add any text about that image. So definitely take advantage of that for your users.
Importance Of Captions
Another thing is captions. Captions on your videos are really important. They’re also important for your images. If you have an image with an ALT tag that’s fantastic but adding a caption really sets it apart as well. It not only allows users to see what the image is but the caption really is descriptive of anybody that’s in the image or anything that’s happening in the image that they can’t easily recognize. That’s also easily added in the back end of WordPress when you’re uploading an image, or even when you want to edit an image that can be added anytime.
Remember To Add Content
Another really important thing to remember is content. WordPress is great for adding content. It’s very easy to build out a page and make sure that the content is flowing, that everything is making sense. Another really important factor in your content is making sure that those headers and the body text is outlined properly. And WordPress allows you to do this with the proper header tags and the body of content. So as long as everything is labeled properly it’s allowing your users with accessibility needs to be able to navigate your content very easily with the ability to pick out the header tags and the body text. So these are some of the really great features that are built in with WordPress that make your users have an easy experience and make building the site or maintaining your site very simple for you as well.
Again this is Chelsea from Tiny Frog Technologies, and if you have any additional questions or need any more information, don’t hesitate to reach out.