Hello this is Mikel with TinyFrog Technologies. I want to talk a little bit about mega menus. Now if you have a larger content website or if you have a lot of pages on your website, one of the first things you should do is evaluate all the pages to discern whether or not you really need that many pages.
If you do have a large website with a lot of pages sometimes it can be overwhelming to your visitors and can create you know confusion and overwhelm on your website. But if you do have a lot of things going on in your business and if you need you know quite a few pages to describe your services or different aspects of your business, it’s probably really good idea to consider a mega menu.
What is a Mega Menu?
Now a mega menu is essentially a large menu versus just a set of drop downs that occur on most traditional websites.
Typically when you’re utilizing or when you’re going to a website that has a mega menu, when you hover over one section, the entire menu pops down so it gives the viewer a really good perspective of all the pages in your website with one view. It’s a really great way to organize your pages, label your pages, prioritize your pages.
It’s also a really good tool to create a much higher quality aesthetic on your website and to improve the overall user experience in your website. So typically when we’re working with clients that have over you know 15 or 20 pages that they’re displaying on their navigation, we’ll typically recommend a mega menu at that point. One of the nice things about a mega menu is we can create a whole custom design look for it, so the aesthetics can be real appealing, the interaction can be appealing.
We can use really nice hover over sometimes, we can use little icons in the menu to give it more of an aesthetic appeal and to improve the overall experience. So if you have a bigger website with a lot of navigation, we definitely recommend considering switching over to a mega menu or if you’re going to be building a new website and again if you have a lot of pages, a mega menu would be a really great consideration for your website.