Hello this is Mikel Bruce with TinyFrog Technologies. I want to talk a little bit about logo design, especially in reference to website design.
We primarily do website design and we do new websites for a lot of our clients and oftentimes a client will come to us and they’ll want to have their website redesigned, but they’re really not committed to or interested in redesigning their logo. Oftentimes the logo is dated, and in my experience, if you put a dated logo on a new website, it’s kind of like having a brand new suit, but having old shoes that are not like the same quality level as the suit.
When Should You Redesign Your Logo?
Probably the best time to reconsider designing your logo or redesigning your logo is when you get your website redone. Just like websites and most everything, styles change. Styles have changed for logos pretty dramatically over the last handful of years. Font styles , images & graphics are more contemporary. There’s definitely a trend towards cleaner simpler graphics.
A lot of logos tend to be really busy and they can actually ruin the the website in terms of the quality of the website. So, when you’re going to redesign your website, it’s probably a really good time to at least discuss with the designer. Should i reconsider designing the logo as well or having the logo redesigned as well?
Make Small Design Tweaks to Your Logo
Because oftentimes, again it might not be on the same par, the same level, of the website and sometimes it might just be a matter of making some adjustments to your current logo. You may be connected or tied to a certain brand in terms of color scheme and so forth and so on, but you can oftentimes just tweak a logo.
Change the font a little bit, just slightly adjust the colors, maybe slightly change the graphic and still keep the same basic style of the logo without any dramatic changes, while still dramatically upgrading the logo.
If you have any questions about when to design your logo relative to your website, feel free to give us a call.