Hi, this is Chelsea with Tiny Frog Technologies and today I’m going to talk to you a little bit about how to prepare for a website launch. At Tiny Frog, I’m a Development Coordinator, so I actually help facilitate the final phase of the website project, which is our development phase. We find a lot of times that towards the end of the project things have gone really smoothly up until our clients are ready to launch.
There are a couple of reasons for this. A lot of times it can be a little bit nerve-wracking to put your new website out there. There can be a lot of miscellaneous things that you feel might need to be perfected but just like almost in an NFL game, you’ll get through four quarters of pretty steady normal play and the last two minutes are kind of the apex of the entire game.
They can be dragged out, they can get really exciting – a little nerve-racking. And we’ve found that the easiest way to kind of circumvent that nervous energy is to just make sure that you have all of your pre-launch needs kind of set up and ready to go. Certain things like log-in’s for the website, any final content changes are finalized – just making sure that the site itself is looking overall in the way that you’d like it to look and behaving responsively.
So that final two minutes of a game or your final stretch with launch is usually just part of the process. And we always just allow our clients to entrust us with this big, big part of the phase and once the site is launched, we can always change the website. There’s nothing that’s set in stone, so that’s also something to remember – just to keep you at ease a little bit.
I’m Chelsea with Tiny Frog and again thank you for letting me share some tips on how to prepare for a website launch. If you have any questions about planning for your next website project, contact our team.