Hi, this is Chelsea with Tiny Frog Technologies and today I’d like to share a little tip with you about working with an SEO company during a website redesign project.
We have a lot of clients that like to work with SEO companies to really take their website to the next level and get it to rank well on search engines and that’s awesome. But a common problem during website projects is that the SEO company is brought into the project at strange times and certain things having to be redone.
One of the biggest things that we recommend is to have your SEO company involved right at the beginning. Some things that are really important for the SEO company to make comments on and give you feedback are usually things that kind of build the foundation of the website.
For example, let’s say that you’re redesigning a website – you have some pages that you’re not sure about keeping – and an SEO team will really be able to give you the extra edge and allow their feedback to kind of steer those questions and answers in the right direction.
We really recommend early on in the project, usually during our strategy phase – when you work with a web strategist – to have the SEO team involved in those early discussions because most of the time by the time you get to the end of the project, they will have some tweaks and sometimes those can be as big as removing entire pages or adding new pages and as small as maybe making a couple of tweaks to the content.
So it’s really important to bring that SEO team in as soon as you kind of get started on the project. It keeps everybody in the loop. You’ve got a stronger idea of how the website is gonna turn out and really reflect what you want it to in terms of the SEO and content.
I’m Chelsea with Tiny Frog Technologies and thank you for letting me share some tips about working with an SEO company during a web project. If you have any questions about choosing an SEO company or redesigning your website, feel free to reach out to our team.