Hello this is Mikel Bruce CEO of Tiny Frog Technologies. I’d like to talk a little bit about your website and how the important content is displayed on your website. Probably the most important page on a website is your home page. Most of the people who land on your website will almost always land on your home page first so it is definitely the most important page in your website. In terms of setting the tone for the whole website visit or encouraging someone to stay on your website.
But there’s also a couple of other very important pages in your website. The other one is your about page and probably your service pages. Those are probably the most important pages in your website – if you have a marketing site. If you have an e-commerce site there’s your product pages, those are obviously going to be as important or more important than those pages.
But if you have a marketing site or a due diligence site or an informational site, the about page and the service pages are very important. So we strongly recommend putting some effort into those custom web pages. Not only into the content, but how the pages are built, how they’re displayed, how they’re customized, how your services are presented on those pages versus just having a kind of blank page and putting a bunch of text in there, or maybe a picture. There’s a very good chance that your website visitors won’t spend the time on that page. And in effect that can have a big impact on your conversion.
So we strongly recommend kind of determining what are the most important pages. And once again they’re typically the home page, about page and service pages. And taking the time to create the content by customizing the design for those pages.
So if you have any questions on how to further customize your existing website or if you’re going to be building a new website, and what would be the best approach to customizing the important pages on that site, please feel free to give us a call. This is Mikel with Tiny Frog Technologies.