Hi, this is Mary with Tiny Frog Technologies and today we’re going be talking with Brian, our UX strategist. In this episode of the TinyFrog Weekly Ribbit, Brian is sharing with us his top user experience (UX) tips for e-commerce sites. Find out how a positive user experience can boost conversions & engage visitors.
UX Strategy for E-Commerce Websites
Do e-commerce sites have different factors to consider when developing the UX strategy? Sometimes, sometimes not.
One of the major differences with an e-commerce site is the level of transaction that you’re asking the visitor to do. In other words, if I’m on a lead generation site, most likely what you want me to do is either pick up the phone or fill out a form. If I’m on an e-commerce site, what you probably want me to do is give you my credit card information and my billing address and my shipping address. So there’s a higher level of transactional awareness on an e-commerce transaction. I think it puts a little bit more emphasis on the trust and credibility. As a visitor, I stand a little bit more to lose. I have to give up a little bit more than I would on a lead generation site. But overall, the user experience is really defined by, as we talked about before, understanding visitors’ needs and appealing to those needs.
Another part of the user experience is going to be a professional-looking website. You know… clean, up-to-date. Another good part of the user experience is going to be clearly articulating to me what it is you you do and how you can solve my problem and how that’s going to help me and then finally, the trust and credibility and also good usability. So all of those are kind of factored into good UX and you need that whether it’s lead generation or e-commerce.
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