Hi, I’m Theresa Mills. I’m a Web Strategist with Tiny Frog and I’m here to talk to you about sitemaps and why they’re important for your web project. Sitemaps are just what they sound like; they’re a map of your website. They help create a great user experience. So your user knows where to start point A and where they’re going point B.
It’s very easy with websites to get carried away and create too many pages. However, with sitemaps they can help you see the structure, an organized structure, that makes sense. The other advantage of site maps and why they’re so important is because Google looks for the information on your site when Google crawls. If you create a new website and don’t create a site map, you can go for months without Google discovering you. What this results in is a loss of traffic and also a poor user experience. Moreover, if you haven’t thought out the structure of your website, then chances are your users are going to have a difficult time figuring out what you want them to do.
Sitemaps are a key element in the website design and development process. Once you develop a sitemap with your Tiny Frog team you’ll be glad you did. You’ll have a true understanding of how your website is laid out and what your user is going to experience.
If you have any questions about site maps, please give us a call. We’re here to help.