Hi, this is Mary with Tiny Frog Technologies and today we’re going be talking with Mikel, our Founder. In this episode of the TinyFrog Weekly Ribbit, Mikel shares a few of his biggest website pet peeves.
Biggest Pet Peeve
What is your biggest pet peeve related to a website? For me, when I’m going on to a website and experiencing it from a user perspective – meaning I’m looking at it as if I’m not building the website but the actual website visitor – the biggest pet peeve that I have is a website that has too much stuff. A lot of our clients and many people we work with often times want to put everything in the website, but I find it can be very overwhelming and it can create what’s called cognitive friction, meaning if the users overwhelmed, there’s a very good chance they’ll leave the website. So I find it’s very important to be really strategic with what content is going in the website.
And also another pet peeve of websites – that are too interactive and too much movement. There’s a term for that. It’s called visual bullying, meaning the website’s overwhelming. So I don’t, I personally shy away from websites that are too interactive. A small amount of movement is helpful because it can draw someone’s attention to a certain area, but when there’s movement without purpose or that interactivity without being thought of, it can actually create a negative experience. So I would just say generally a website that’s too overwhelming, that has too much stuff in it, too much content.
What do you think is the cost to a company for having a poorly designed or built website? Well, they could be losing that potential client or that website visitor. So a lot of companies are spending a lot of time, money and resources in driving traffic to websites. Or even if it’s a referral, someone might go to that website when they’re referred and there’s a very good chance if the website’s not effectively built or it’s not doing its job, they could lose that potential website visitor. The website visitor essentially could be a lead, which could be a client. So the cost is pretty high.
Thanks, everyone. For more information, you can visit tinyfrog.com.