Hi, this is Chelsea with TinyFrog Technologies and today I want to talk to you a little bit about managing your WooCommerce website. Now WooCommerce, the e-commerce platform, is a little bit different than having an informational website.
Oftentimes, with an informational website, you really only have to think about editing a few things here and there, text, images that sort of thing. But when we’re talking about e-commerce, there’s certain areas on the website that are going to need much more regular maintenance and upkeep.
This is why we recommend you have an administrative person on your team, making sure that they’re logging into the website regularly, reviewing products, orders, shipping and making sure that everything is up to date.
It’s really important that your e-commerce admin is also making sure that all of the functionality for your cart and checkout process are working properly. Make sure web visitors aren’t dealing with friction points related to outdated products or things that might not be in stock or potentially even having shipping issues or delays that need to be communicated with your users as soon as possible.
We always recommend, if you have a WooCommerce website, to make sure you have a dedicated administrator logging in and making sure everything is up to date and communicating with those users if anything does need to be adjusted.