Hi, this is Jessica with Tiny Frog Technologies and today I’d like to talk a little bit about confirmation pages on your website. And a confirmation page or a thank you page is the web page that loads after a website visitor submits a form and we often call them thank you pages because usually the messaging on the page will say, “Thank you for contacting our team” or “Thank you for submitting your inquiry.”
And a lot of times, website owners will set up these pages for each form and kind of forget about them. We’ll often set them up for clients before site launches but you really want to pay attention to these confirmation pages because they can be really helpful for tracking on your website. In Google Analytics, you can actually set up a goal to track conversions on your site and one way to do this is to actually specify that the goal is completed when a visitor reaches a certain page or URL and it’s really helpful to use a thank you page for this.
For instance with our Tiny Frog site, we have different marketing campaigns going on and when we set up a new landing page, we’ll set up a form and a unique thank you page so that in Google Analytics, we can track the goals and conversions for that particular page.
Now if you’re using this type of setup in Google Analytics for your tracking, you want to make sure that when you add a new form to the website, you’re not using the same thank you page on all the forms. If you do that, you could have the data messed up in Google Analytics and not really see the right data for the conversions.
And lastly, just take a look at your thank you pages on your website. Take a look at the messaging and the design. Just remember that a visitor is going to see this right after they decide to contact your team and you want to make sure you’re presenting your business in the best way possible. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team.