Hello, this is Mikel Bruce with Tiny Frog Technologies. I’d like to talk a little bit about a website that has products on it, but those products aren’t actually being sold online. So in essence, that basically means the products are displayed on the website almost like a catalog. We have a lot of clients who come to us with several or many products that they’re displaying in their website, but their intention or their objective is for their potential clients or the website visitors to view the products and then to call them for more information. In that case, an e-commerce application can still really be a good fit for organizing the products in terms of categories and then actually how the product specifics are displayed.
Display and Organize Products
An e-commerce application basically has a few different products. These products are called a category page, a product detail page, and then a product checkout section. And if you were to remove the product checkout section from the website (where someone is actually checking out or paying for the product) – the other sections, the product category page and the product detail section of the website are really great ways to display and organize products on a section of a website.
Adding Products To Your Website
As the website owner, it’s very easy for you to log in to the website through the e-commerce application and to add products. It automatically will drop them into the product category section and then the product details section. And it makes it real easy for the website user to view the products on your website. So if you have multiple products on your website and they’re not technically being sold at the website I’d strongly recommend considering talking to your web developer about adding an e-commerce application to organize the products on your website. If you have any more questions about this or any other topic web-related please give us a call. This is Mikel with Tiny Frog Technologies.