Hello, this is Mikel Bruce with Tiny Frog Technologies. It’s very important if you have a website, to do a full audit of your website – all the pages – on a monthly basis or so. What that would mean is you go from page to page, open up the page, read the pages, and click on the links. We’ve noticed when we’re taking on a new website project and we do that for our clients, we notice there’s a lot of broken links and 404 errors.
If you have a WordPress site and there’s a plug-in installed, there’s a very good chance that the plug-in has been broken, which could compromise an area of the site. You want to test your forms to make sure your forms are working. If there’s any interactive components to your website like a slide show or a photo gallery, you want to click through those to make sure they’re working. You’d be surprised if you do this, how frequently you can have issues with your site , whether it be a technology issue or a content management issue.
So it’s really important, on a monthly basis to click the links and check all the pages on your website. If you don’t do it, your clients will probably notice it and it could most definitely have a negative impact on how they’re perceiving your company or the experience they have on your website in general. So I’d strongly recommend doing a monthly site audit of all your pages and all your content. If you have a really big site, you might want to do it every other month but it’s definitely something we would recommend doing and we recommend to all of our clients.
If you have any questions on website development or design feel free to give us a call. This is Mikel with Tiny Frog Technologies.