Hi, my name is Elise with Tiny Frog Technologies and I’d like to talk a little bit more about telling your story and establishing a million dollar statement.
Even if you have a lot of competitors, you still have a very unique story and a lot of differences about your company that you should be sharing on your website. When you do this, you want
to create a cohesive story throughout your website that really reiterates to visitors what’s different about you and how you can help them in a way unlike your competitors.
One of the first steps in doing this is to create what I like to call a “million dollar statement”. It sounds a little overwhelming, but it’s really valuable for your company and it can help a lot when generating new business. When you’re creating this million dollar statement you want something that’s very clear and simple, that shows who you work with and how you can help them.
Another way to look at this statement is to ask yourself “If somebody was only spending three seconds on your website, what would you want them to take away about you?” That seems like a short amount of time, but believe it or not, that’s about how much time you have to capture somebody’s attention and keep them interested and exploring your website further. So, this statement can have some assistance to it and some other supporting information that talks a little bit more about your differences and what sets you apart from competitors. But having that three second, million dollar statement at the top of your website is going to establish exactly what you offer and keep people interested to learn more about how you can help them.
This million dollar statement is going to be the foundation of the story that you’re telling across your website. Once you’ve introduced that statement, you want to make sure that you’re carrying it throughout the rest of the content on your website and further expanding on what it means for your clients. And now that you’ve introduced who you’re assisting, you want to dive into that a little bit further to establish the clients that you’re able to help; whether that be through the services you offer or even offering specific case studies to show those clients how you can assist them.
You also want to talk more about what you offer and what those services include, without going into too much detail or overwhelming the user with too much information at one time. Now that you have your foundation to your story, you can carry that throughout your website, as well as any other marketing materials that you’re using for your brand.
If you have any questions about this, feel free to give us a call and we can help you out.