Hello this is Mikel with TinyFrog Technologies. I want to talk a little bit about creating what case studies or use cases on your website.We’re doing more and more of these with our clients.
They’re really important because a lot of companies are into or focused on telling a story about the company and one perspective that you can use in telling a story about the company is through an example of one of your clients, or an example of working with you, some of your customers.
A case study section on a website can be a very important area and can not only talk about your services in such a way that talks about
that and describes the benefit of your services and what you do, but it also gives examples. It’s a great place to display testimonials, to talk about your process without necessarily talking about your process, and giving examples about what you do and why you do it well.
A case study section on a website can be a very important area to describe the benefits of your services and or products that you offer to your potential clients. When adding a case study section on your website, we recommend a nice customized kind of approach. We’ll create a custom wireframe and design template and go through a strategic process with clients. This template can then be utilized for multiple case studies on the site if needed.
And case studies can be a really good tool for helping to convert your website visitors to actual leads or to help generate leads in general for your website. Most people or many people when they go to a website they first thing they do is they review the top level navigation and they scroll down on the home page to get more information and visit internal pages. In our experience, a case study is a real popular section on your website, so we definitely recommend integrating it into your navigation and home page, if applicable.
If you have more questions on case studies and how they apply to websites or websites in general, please do contact us.