Hello this is Mikel with Tiny Frog Technologies.
I want to talk a little bit about conversion optimization when it comes to a website. When we work with clients, many of the clients we work with their primary objective with the website is to convert visitors to leads and that’s another term for that would be a lead generation-based website. Some of the websites we work with are more informational, but many of our clients are really looking to use their website as a marketing tool to help educate their potential clients and what they do and hope to encourage them to take the next step, which would be to call them or to fill out a form and other conversion objectives as well.
So one thing that we found that’s really helpful in optimizing the conversion rates for our website is having what we refer to as a conversion page. It’s typically not the home page, it’s not like the primary service or about page, but we’re really guiding the visitor or the user from the home page to a primary internal page, to this conversion page. And really the goal the objective to this conversion page is to really highlight their primary call to action. It might be be to contact for an appointment. It might be to schedule an appointment. It might be to contact them for a demo or whatever. But that page is really dedicated to a call to action so the the visuals and the graphics in the page speak to that. There’s oftentimes a form on that page which is a call to action form and may have the phone number highlighted.
So that’s a really important page we’re finding in websites. We find that can be very effective to have a call to action or conversion page on a website. So when you’re speaking to your web design team, you want to bring that up to them. What would be a page or how would it fall in the menu? What would be the user path from the home page to that conversion or call to action page. So if you have more questions on that or conversion optimizations or websites in general, feel free to give us a call.
Thank you.