Hi, I’m David with Tiny Frog. I am a web developer and I’m here today to talk to you about how to tell – has your website been hacked. So WordPress is our most popular website development platform. It’s the most popular one in the world and unfortunately, that means that a lot of hackers target that system. There’s nothing we can do about it. They’d love to try and hack it. The great news is that it’s pretty easy to tell if you’ve been hacked.
So number one indication of being hacked – your website looks weird or acts strange. Maybe images are missing, maybe there’s code blocks that show up on the front end of the website where they shouldn’t be, maybe no one can log in to the website. Just funky stuff happening. Maybe you can’t log in and recover your password or are getting strange emails from your website – that’s number one. Number two, if you plug your domain name into Google not the address bar but Google itself and you get search results that look strange.
Number two, if you plug your domain name into Google (not the address bar but Google itself) and you get search results that look strange that aren’t related to your website that can also be an indication of being hacked. Number three indication that you are hacked is you see a lots and lots of new image files or lots and lots of new website files showing up in the folders of your web server. So this may not be something you can check yourself but a web developer like us can look in there and see if there are tons and tons of extra files.
One of the most common ways for someone to hack your website is to insert a little file in there and kind of like replicate it over and over and over again into lots of different places. And that makes sure that if you delete one there’s still one there’s sort of like a virus putting itself all throughout the website.
So if any of these things can indicate that you’ve been hacked and the good news is that here at Tiny Frog we are experts at discovering the problem and fixing it. And we have great hosting services and great developers that can go in and fix all of these things. And then if you host your website with us we have awesome tools to catch stuff like that right away and make sure that it doesn’t happen. So if you have any questions or concerns or think you may have been hacked or security questions about your website please contact us at Tiny Frog Technologies.