Today I want to talk a little bit about creating an emotional connection with your user on the website. We have a particular feature on one of the pages on the “our team” page. And when someone lands on that page and they hover over the head shot of one of our team members it changes from just a typical head shot to a goofy version of a head shot or they’re making a funny face or something.
On a weekly basis or a very frequent basis people comment on how much they like that particular feature. And in many cases I’ve had people say they’ve contacted us because of the fact that we had that particular piece of functionality built into our website.
So I’ve found that it’s really important if you want to develop an emotional connection with your user or with the web visitor is to have something really unique and interesting without being over the top on your website or small piece of functionality or a small graphic or something that will create with an emotional connection with a user because I know when I’m going on a website I see something that I stops me in my tracks or something that draws my attention and it’s almost a subconscious reaction I get that emotional connection to the website and that’s where I dig into my process of engaging with that particular website. So I recommend when you’re strategizing about around the functionality of the design of the messaging of the graphics that you take the time to come up with something that’s unique and something that’s designed to create a connection between your website and your website user.
So if you have any questions on anything related to web design or web strategy or web development, please contact us at Tiny Frog Technologies.