Today, I want to talk a little bit about SEO for your website and the use of blogging as a tool. Basically, what is starting to happen as a trend or I should say has been happening for a while now is that the focus on content on a website is been getting slimmer and slimmer the ideas to keep it simple easy to read and improve the user experience for anyone who’s visiting a website, but that means the content is very minimalized and that flies in the face of everything we need for organic search or SEO.
So the blog becomes the ideal tool that allows you really to craft content catered towards almost any keyword phrases relevant for your audience you can make it longer because when people go to the blog they expect to read longer articles and find that information so the blog becomes an engine for you to get that keyword rich content out on the web, build your web presence, push that to your social media channels and over the long term began to kind of grow in the rankings just organically.
So once again, this is Brent Curry Web Marketing Specialist with Tiny Frog Technologies as always if you have any Web Marketing questions just reach out.