I want to talk a little bit about a Phased Approach towards web designing and web development. One of the things I think that separates us from working with an individual designer or individual web developer when creating your website is the people involved in the project when we work with a client we always have a web strategist involved.
A web strategist spends the time to learn about the company to create the personality of the brand to create the messaging and create the foundation for the website and focusing on the information architecture, the conversion strategies really important things that most designers and developers don’t have the experience and the knowledge to be able to do.
The second phase of our website is designed. Design is a very specific skill set – most designers are not good developers and most developers are not good designers is like using a different part of the brain. So are all our designers are design specialist and user interface in creating high end custom graphics and look and feel the website so the second phase is the design phase.
Third phases development functionality which is very important as well but once again a very specific skills set almost always requires someone is a specialist in that particular area. We have a developer working on that phase and then if our clients have an interest in focusing in the search engine will bring a search engine marketing specialist into the project as well. Which is really important for doing all the foundation of work to set the website up for success in the search engine.
So on a typical project we have at least five if not six or seven people working on the project including trainers, quality control people and project managers so it’s that’s one of the things that really separates a company that brings in a team working on a phased approach versus working with an individual.
This is Mikel with Tiny Frog Technologies if you have any questions or you have any interest in our services or web designer or web development, please contact us.